Trail Master Plan

Sandy Springs Conservancy was a driving force in the development of the Sandy Springs Trail Master Plan, now known as the Springway. The plan outlines a total of 31.4 miles of trails to connect parks and greenspace throughout the city to places where people live, work and gather. The plan serves as a road map for the development of connectivity trails broken down into 6 areas of the city with an implementation plan.

In January 2019 representatives of SSC met with city of Sandy Springs officials and pitched the idea of developing a master plan for a paved pedestrian trail system in Sandy Springs. SSC offered to contribute $25,000 toward the plan if the city was interested. The city agreed to move forward and funded the remaining $50,000 for the development of a trail master plan.

With SSC’s recommendation, PATH, an organization dedicated to developing trails throughout Georgia, was invited to participate in the development of a trail master plan for Sandy Springs. In 2019 a trail master plan committee was formed that included representatives from SSC, PATH and city staff. With input from all parties and the public, the plan was completed and adopted by the city in the fall of 2019. The city committed to building 10 miles of trails in the first 10 years.

The first segment approved for construction was Segment 2A, a 1.6 mile stretch that connects Morgan Falls Overlook Park to Roswell Rd. A highlight of Segment 2A will be a scenic boardwalk along Orkin Lake. Segment 2A is part of the larger Morgan Falls Segment 2 loop of 5.4 miles that connects Overlook Park, the Chattahoochee River and Big Trees Forest Preserve.

Funding for Segment 2A was approved by the city in January 2022.  SSC contributed the required $30,000 in community support funds for the city to secure a $3M Georgia Outdoor Stewardship construction grant for the first segment. A groundbreaking for construction of Segment 2A took place in December 2022 near the Morgan Falls River Park/Dog Park.

The segment will enhance access to the Chattahoochee River, connecting Morgan Falls Overlook Park to Roswell Road at Cimarron Parkway. The project consists of the construction of an 8’- 12’ wide multi-use, paved trail, retaining walls, drainage structures, pedestrian bridges, top-down boardwalk with concrete decking, roadway realignments, landscaping, and trail signage.   In 2023 the city branded the trail plan as the “Springway.” Construction of 2A was delayed by weather and other environmental issues and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
Meanwhile, the Sandy Springs Conservancy has met with landowners along the next sections under consideration for construction, Segments 2C and 2E, and successfully attained approval from property owners for easements along their land.  The city is currently finalizing design plans and right-of-way/easement agreements, and also looking into funding grant options.