Let’s Make sure Sandy Springs is GREEN for the Next 10!

May 7, 2018 | Conserve, Create, News

The City of Sandy Springs is turning 10 years old this year! Did you know that the City of Sandy Springs is now working on a future plan and vision for the next 10 years.

Make sure to visit the website! Sandy Springs – The Next 10

The City’s current update of its comprehensive long-range plan is key to capturing opportunities for future parks and trails. SSC’s advocacy has ensured that “The Next Ten” process includes a robust Greenspace Planning element. We are working closely with the City to share insights about partners and initiatives in our region, and explore lessons learned from other communities that can be applied to Sandy Springs,

As the voice for greenspace in our community, SSC will advocate for parks and trails emerge as a top priority in City policies, plans and investments for the next decade.

We believe the greenspace plan should:

  • inventory existing greenspace, parks and trails
  • identify opportunities to add to our inventory
  • integrate both with transportation, stormwater, bike & pedestrian plans
  • connect our neighborhoods, development nodes, and the River
  • connect to amenities on our borders like Chastain Park, and Buckhead’s PATH 400
  • ensure consistent and reliable funding for acquisition and maintenance

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