SSC Welcomes the 2024 Board of Directors

Feb 5, 2024 | News

The Sandy Springs Conservancy announces the 2024 Board of Directors, welcoming seven new members, Alex Beasley of Trees Atlanta; Jerry Bell, a retired marketing executive at Coca Cola; Brian Daughdrill an attorney with Giacoma Roberts & Daughdrill; Samuel Elrod a project manager with Winter Construction; Kathy Logan, a principal at Copper Carry; Deborah Minor a retired nonprofit executive and Martha Vega a project manager with Winter Construction. SSC also announces the addition of a new staff position, Director of Operations, Kristen Ristino-Najewski.

SSC 2024 Board of Directors will continue to be led by Chairman Jack Misiura. Misiura joined the board in 2015 and became chair in 2019.  Misiura said he is excited to welcome the new board members who bring a passion for the Conservancy’s mission and expertise to help lead the organization into the future.

SSC thanks departing board members Molly Welch, Abigail Gross, Evan Ottaviano and staff Loren Colvin for their dedication and service.

Serving on the SSC executive committee are Mark Moore, Vice Chair; Marian Macleod-Elliott, Treasurer; Deborah Minor, Secretary; Alexandra Allen, Chair Development Committee and Doug Morgan Chair Opportunities & Projects.

See the full 2024 SSC Board of Directors 

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